Harvard Says 27% Earn More Than 4 Year College Graduates

Posted on December 27, 2018


A growing trend is college graduates earning less than people in the trades, according to Georgetown University.

This idea goes against conventional wisdom and lots of google search results.

Book on Amazon-Success Without College Roadmap to Plumber by Christine Axsmith

Book on Amazon-Success Without College Roadmap to Plumber by Christine Axsmith Photo by Gerd Altmann on Pexels.com

But if you look through the top Google results for “earning more than a college graduate,” the web sites are tied to colleges, or companies selling advertising to colleges.

There’s no shortage of people who are success stories without a college degree.  But the most recent research is showing that a college degree is not necessary for success.

A report of the Center on Education and the Workforce at Georgetown University states that 27 percent of people with post-secondary licenses or certificates—credentials short of an associate’s degree—earn more than the average bachelor’s degree recipient.

Pathways to prosperity: Meeting the challenge of preparing young Americans for the 21st century is a report from Harvard University talking about the failure of the “college-for-all” policy, and how that cheats some young people.  “We fail these young people not because we are indifferent, but because we have focused too exclusively on a few narrow pathways to success,” referring to college.

Other experts agree with that conclusion:

“Employment rates for the nation’s teens and young adults are at post-World War II lows—a true labor market depression. Based on experiences both here and abroad, Pathways to Prosperity points to the need for expanded employment and work-based learning opportunities for young people, closer ties between post-secondary education/training and the workplace, and expanded youth apprenticeships. The need has never been greater, and the report provides a clarion call for action now.”
Andrew Sum, Director, Center for Labor Market Studies, Northeastern University.

Conventional wisdom, and google search results, are sure to follow these conclusions.  Young people are not one big clump that are exactly the same as the other.  As they are different, their needs are different.  Not everyone needs to be an accountant.  Our economy requires all types of skills.  Many of the in-demand skills can be learned while working or through a certificate program.

Paths to success without college means entering the plumber, firefighter, carpenter or other trades.  And, yes, math will be needed.  But it will be a direct, problem-solving math with direct, visible results.

$uccess Without College Publications has published $uccess Without College – Roadmap to Software Developer and $uccess Without College – Roadmap to Plumber to show people that there are alternatives to college to get success.

Buying one of our $uccess Without College Roadmap books will empower you to choose your own path to success.
The chances of success without college are better if you think for yourself and decide what is best for you.  Students who have success without collegedo the work to find out about different career paths and match them to their temperament.

Other books about success without college focus on calming anxious parents, and not on solutions.  Buy $uccess Without College Roadmap to Plumber or Roadmap to Software Developer by Christine Axsmith for solid advice on launching your successful career path.

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Photo by Gerd Altmann on Pexels.com

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